Spend one day with me

This is a funny thought that goes in the mind of a beautiful, sensual brunette, a companion Sofija Ivanova very very often. She, like any other professional escorts, is very busy and her time very precious. Independent escorts are masters of their time. They accept invites from only those clients they want to, sometimes they have 2 or 3 appointments per week and sometimes they have 1 or 2 per day. But the fact is they can stay in bed the whole morning if they only feel like it. 

But is it worth it? Why would they do this? 

On one hand, the beauty of having a morning for themselves is in the fact they can relax and rest. Even if they do not sleep they can rest and meditate and relax mentally. On the other hand, as most of the other people start working early morning, it means all the good gyms, saunas, swimming pools etc are empty and even private instructors are much more available. And this is one of the privileges that come with their lifestyle. As they need to stay fit (and pretty) they profit mornings to exercise, detox in saunas, do the hair and nails at the beauty centres et cetera.


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